Become a Social Media Ninja, How to Master Social Selling

I know that those of you reading this posts are all using some form of social media to market your Direct Sales business. I can guarantee that almost all of you are making heavy use of Facebook specifically to market your products.

So you’ve gone ahead and changed the settings on your Facebook profile to include the fact that you now offer some awesome products…..

–you’ve joined some direct sales groups…

–and started your own Facebook Fan Page

…and probably started a blog…

…and maybe even started your very own YouTube channel

You’ve been posting 3 to 5 times a day in an effort to drum up interest. But, let me ask you

Are you actually making money for your social media efforts? 

Remember, time is money… Are your efforts resulting in sales?  Not sure? Mull this over for a minute. If you were to post to Facebook 5 times a day, would you make 5 times as much money as you are right now?

Probably NOT….which means your efforts are generating ZERO, Zilch, Nada Revenue. 

This actually means that you are wasting time and losing money because time IS money!

So how can you change this? You need to first stop posting in locations where you ad/post has a severely short lifespan and won’t get any attention. The do these three things:

Step 1 – Connect

Find out where your target customers are hanging out, and start using that same social media platform! Remember, you need to figure out who your target market is and narrow your efforts down to marketing to your target and only your target.  Everybody is not your target market.

Step 2 – Add Value

Start Posting Content that adds value for your readers.  Lead with VALUE! Instead of asking your prospects to buy directly from your social media page, first provide value and build a relationship.

What do I mean by this? I mean that you need to share a post that will encourage your prospects to click in order to read more (similar to all those quizzes you take on Facebook). An example of a value add post would be something like:

5 Cool Looks For Just $5 
{interesting related image here}
URL to Your Landing Page or Website

When  prospect clicks your link, they would either be direct to your blog, landing page, YouTube channel, mini site or other site that have the offer prominently visible.

Step 3 – Link and Capture 

Let’s say that when they click on the link they are taking to a post on your blog..That post should continue to add value by displaying information on the 5 Cool Looks for Just $5 – you are offering your prospect value without asking them for anything. This is important.

Weave related calls to action in the blog posts. For example, you could pepper in a link that says – “Get this look for yourself for only $5” with  link to your shop or a link to an email opt-in page where they can give you their email address for a chance to Win the said $5 fashion or to continue to get valuable content.

It’s that simple. Three steps is all it takes.  Change the way your market your business and start making your posts count.

I would love to read your questions! Post them as comments below.

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